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Reduce, Reuse, Recycle!

recycle3_000The California Integrated Waste Management Act (AB939) requires that all Cities and Counties in California reduce the amount of waste they send to landfills by 50%, or face fines of up to $10,000 per day.

The City of Porterville has developed various programs to encourage recycling and waste reduction and to help the City meet its AB939 goals, including:

Curbside Collection of Residential Recyclables -

Please be advised, it is unlawful for anyone other than the City to collect or remove materials which have been segregated for the purpose of recycling (Sec. 13-4 of the Municipal Code). Any citizen observing this unlawful act should contact the Police Department at 782-7400.

Recycling Drop-Off Center

The City's Recycling Drop-Off Center is available 24 hours per day and is centrally located at the City Corporation Yard, 555 N. Prospect. This facility accepts the same materials as the curbside recycling program.

Meeting California’s 50% waste reduction goal is important to us all.  The City encourages its residents to practice the three R’s every day.

Reduce the waste you make.  Buy products with less packaging and eliminate the use of single-use “convenience” items.
Reuse whatever you can.  Grocery bags, cardboard boxes, and water bottles are common items that can be used again and again.  Yard sales and thrift store donations are a good way to pass along usable items you no longer want.

Recycle, recycle, recycle.  The City’s curbside Blue Can recycling program offers residents a convenient way to recycle at their homes.  Common household recyclables including plastics (#1-7), glass, aluminum, newspaper, mixed paper, cardboard, and steel/tin cans may be placed together in your Blue Can for easy recycling.

In addition to curbside recycling, residents can take advantage of other recycling opportunities throughout Porterville.

Just moved in?  Hosted a family gathering?  Receiving shipments?  These activities often create more recyclables than your Blue Can will hold.  To accommodate large volume or bulky recyclables, the City’s Recycling Drop-Off Center is available 24 hours per day and is centrally located at the Corporation Yard, 555 N. Prospect.  This facility accepts the same materials as the curbside recycling program. 

Numerous certified CRV redemption centers are operated by private businesses to assist city residents in “cashing in” their bottles and cans.  For a complete listing, contact the California Department of Conservation at 1-800-RECYCLE or

RECYCLING SPECIAL WASTES:  Many common household items are considered hazardous and it is illegal to dispose of them in your refuse container.

Household Hazardous Wastes

Electronic Wastes including television sets, computer monitors, tablets and cellular phones.

Universal Wastes including rechargeable and non-rechargeable household batteries (AA, AAA, 9V, C, D), fluorescent tubes or lamps, mercury thermometers and thermostats.

Special Waste Collection Events are held in the Porterville area throughout the year.  For more information on these events, contact Tulare County Environmental Health @ 733-6441.

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